- A.H. Wheeler
- ABB Lummus
- Abbey National
- Abbott Laboratories India
- Abee Info-Consumables
- Aberdeen Group
- ABN-AMRO Asia Equities
- AC Nielsen
- Accel ICIM Frontline
- Accenture
- Accor
- Accurum India
- Acer Technology Ventures
- ACI (India)
- ACL Chemicals
- ADA Enterprises / ADAG
- Adani Group
- Adani Wilmar
- Adaptec India
- Aditya Birla Group
- Adobe
- Advanced Magnetic Group
- Advertising Club Bombay
- Aeroflot
- Aftek Infosys
- Agilent Technologies
- Agis Aweca
- Agni Aviation
- Agro Tech Foods
- AIG Systems Solutions Private Limited
- Air Arabia
- Air Deccan
- Air France KLM
- Air Sahara
- AirAsia
- Airbee
- Airbus
- Aircel
- Aircell
- Air-India
- Airline Financial Support Services India
- Aiwa India
- Ajanta Health
- Ajanta Pharma
- Akai India
- Aker Solutions
- Aksh Broadband
- AL Batra group
- Alcatel
- Alcatel-Lucent
- Alembic
- Alfa Laval
- Algorithmics
- All India Radio
- Allahabad Bank
- Allergan
- Alliance Capital
- Allied Domecq Spirits and Wine (India) Pvt Ltd
- Allied Signal
- Allied Telesyn
- Allsec Technologies
- Alopa Networks
- Alpic Finance
- Alstom Power
- Alza
- Amareshwara Agri Bio
- Amazon
- Ambuja Cement
- Ambuja Cement Eastern
- Ambuja Cement Rajasthan
- American Express Bank
- American International Group
- American International Technology Enterprises
- American Remedies
- Amitabh Bachchan Corporation
- Amoolya Technologies
- AMP Sanmar Assurance
- AMP Sanmar Life
- AMP Securities
- Ampersand Software
- Amrita TV
- Amway India Enterprises
- Analog Devices
- Anand Bazaar Patrika
- Anchor Health & Beauty Care Pvt
- Andale
- Andhra Bank
- Andhra Cement
- Andhra Power Transmission Corporation
- Andhra Pradesh Central Power Distribution Company
- Andhra Pradesh Gas Power Corporation
- Anglo American
- Anheuser-Busch
- Antrix Corporation
- Anuron Hitech
- AOL Time Warner Inc
- Aon Global
- AON Global Insurance Services
- Apara Enterprise
- Apcom Computers
- Apeejay Finance Group
- Apex Urban Co-op Bank of Maharashtra & Goa
- Apollo Group
- Apollo Health and Lifestyle
- Apollo Hospitals
- Apollo Tyres
- Apotex Corporation
- AppLabs Technologies
- Apple
- Aptech
- APW President Systems
- Aquila Technologies Pvt Ltd
- Arcelor Mittal
- Archies
- Areva
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Ariba Technologies
- Arjo Entertainment
- Armedas
- Artesia Technologies
- Arthur Andersen
- Arvind Brands
- Arvind Ltd
- Arvind Remedies
- Arya Vaidya Sala
- Asahi India Glass
- Ashapura Group
- Ashian Herbex
- Ashok Leyland
- Ashok Leyland Finance
- Ashok Minda
- Asian Development Bank
- Asian Hotels
- Asian Lighting Resources India
- Asian Paints
- Asian PPG Industries
- Asiana Airlines
- Asianet Communications
- Associated Cement Companies
- Associated India Financial Services Private Ltd.
- Astra-IDL
- AstraZeneca
- AT Kearney
- AT&T
- Atlantic Crossing
- Atlas Cycle Industries
- Atul
- Audi
- Aurobindo Pharma
- Autodesk
- Automated Workflow
- Avaya
- Avaya Inc
- Aventis
- Avestha Gengraine Technologies
- Aviation Software Development Consultancy India
- Avineon
- Aviva Life Insurance
- AVL India
- AVT McCormick Ingredients
- Axis Bank
- Aysha Infotech
- Aztec Software and Technology Services
- B2K Corporation
- BaaN
- BAE Systems
- BAG Films
- Bajaj Allianz
- Bajaj Allianz General Insurance
- Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance
- Bajaj Auto
- Bajaj Auto Finance
- Bajaj Capital
- Bajaj Electricals
- Bajaj Group
- Bajaj Tempo
- Balaji
- Balaji Telefilms
- Ballarpur Industries
- Balmer Lawrie
- Balsara Home Products
- Bangalore Genei
- Bangalore International Airport Company
- Bangalore Labs
- Bangur group
- Bank Artha Graha
- Bank Muscat
- Bank of America
- Bank of Bahrain & Kuwait
- Bank of Baroda
- Bank of India
- Bank of Maharashtra
- Bank of New York
- Bank of Rajasthan
- Bank of Scotland
- Bank of Tokyo
- Banyan Networks
- Barclays
- Barista Coffee Company
- Baroda Rayon
- Bartronics India
- Base Corporation
- BASF India
- Bata India
- Bauer Biotech
- Bausch & Lomb
- Bayer
- BBC World
- BDA Ltd
- Bear Stearns
- Becton Dickinson India
- Bell Helicopter
- Benares State Bank
- Bennett, Coleman & Co
- BenQ India
- Benz Infotech
- Berger International
- Berger Paints
- Berkshire Hathaway
- Berna Biotech
- Bexel Pharmaceuticals
- BG Broadband India
- Bhandari Industries
- Bharat Aluminium Company
- Bharat Dynamics
- Bharat Electronics Ltd
- Bharat Engineering Company
- Bharat Forge
- Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd
- Bharat Overseas Bank
- Bharat Petroleum Corporation
- Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd
- Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam
- Bharthiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam
- Bharti AXA
- Bharti BT
- Bharti Cellular
- Bharti Enterprises
- Bharti Group
- Bharti Telecom
- Bharti Telenet
- Bharti Teletech
- Bharti Tele-Ventures Ltd / Bharti Airtel
- Bhartiya Samruddhi Finance
- BHP Billiton
- Bi
- Bihar Caustic & Chemicals
- Bilcare
- BillJunction Payments
- Biocon
- Biogen Idec
- Bioinformatics Research Center
- Biological E
- Birla AT&T
- Birla Home Finance
- Birla Mutual Fund
- Birla Sun Life Asset Management Company
- Birla Sun Life Distribution
- Birla Sun Life Insurance
- Birla Tyres
- Birlasoft
- Bisleri
- Black Entertainment
- Blackstone
- Blaupunkt
- Blockade Systems Corp
- Blow Plast
- Blue Dart Express
- Blue Star
- Blue Star Infotech
- BMC Software
- BNP Paribas
- BoB Capital Markets
- BOB Housing Finance Ltd
- BoBCards
- BOC India
- Boeing
- Bombardier
- Boots Healthcare International
- Borland Software Corporation
- Boston Scientific
- BOW Network
- BP Amoco
- BPL Group
- BPL Mobile
- BPL Telecom
- BrahMos Aerospace
- Brakes India
- Brenco
- Bridal Asia
- Bridgestone
- Brigade Corporation
- Brillian Corporation
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Britannia Industries
- British Airways
- British Gas
- British Petroleum
- British Telecom
- Broadband Pacenet India
- BroadVision
- Brocade Communications Systems
- Brooks Automation
- Brother International
- BSES Ltd
- Bunge
- Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp
- Burroughs Wellcome India
- Butler Group
- Cadbury India
- Cadbury Schweppes
- Cadila Healthcare
- Café Coffee Day
- Cairn Energy
- Calcutta Chemicals
- Caltiger
- Can Fin Homes
- Canal+Technologies
- Canara Bank
- Canbank Mutual Fund
- Candico
- Canere
- Canon
- Cansat
- Capgemini
- Caps Shreya
- Cara Consultants
- Caraco Pharmaceutical
- Carborundum Universal
- Career Launcher
- Cargill Foods
- Caritor India
- Carlson Hospitality Worldwide
- Carolina Herrera
- Carrier Aircon
- Cartier
- CashTech Solutions India
- Castrol India
- Catalytic Software
- Caterpillar India Pvt Ltd
- Catholic Syrian Bank
- CavinKare
- CBay Systems (India)
- CCA Infotech Private Limited
- CDC Capital Partners
- Ceat
- Cellexchange India
- Celtycs
- Centaur Airport Hotel
- Centers for Medical Innovation
- Central Bank of India
- Centre for Development of Knowledge and Awareness
- Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
- Centurion Bank
- Century Plyboards
- CenturyTel
- Cessna
- Cetex Petrochemicals
- Ceylon Glass
- CG-CoreEl Programmable Solutions
- ChainSys India
- Channel 7 to 9
- Charak Pharma
- Charmant Inc
- Chase Manhattan
- Chemplast Sanmar
- Chennai Petroleum Corporation
- Cheryl's Cosmetics
- Chess Management Services
- Chevron
- China Mobile Communications Corporation
- Chinadotcom Corporation
- Chola Mutual Fund
- Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Ltd
- Cholamandalam Mitsui Sumitomo General Insurance Company
- Chordia group
- Chrysalis Capital
- Chrysler
- Chubb Corporation
- Ciba Speciality Chemicals
- Cipla
- Cirrius Software
- Cisco Systems
- Citibank
- Citigroup
- Citrix Systems
- City and Industrial Development Corporation
- City Union Bank
- CK Technologies
- Clariant
- Claridges
- Clearing Corporation of India
- Clearswift
- CMI India
- CMS Computers
- Coal India
- Coates of India
- Cobra Beer
- Coca Cola
- Coca Cola India
- Cochin International Airport Ltd
- Cochin Shipyard
- Coffeelab
- CognitiveArts
- Cognizant Technology Solutions
- Colgate-Palmolive (India)
- Collins & Aikman
- Colorplus
- Colour Chem
- Comcast Corporation
- CommScope
- Compaq
- Compaq India
- Computer Aided Information and Research Services Pvt Ltd
- Computer Associates
- Concept Hospitality
- Concerto Software
- Container Corporation of India
- Cookie Man
- Cooper Tire & Rubber Company
- Cordys
- CoreEL Microsystems
- Corel Corporation
- Corio Inc
- Coromandel Fertilisers
- CorPay Solutions
- Corporation Bank
- Corus Group
- Cosmo Films
- Covad Communications Group
- Covansys Corporation
- CP Pharmaceuticals
- CR2
- Crabtree Aquatech
- Cranes Software
- Creative Crest
- Creative Eye
- Creative Infotech Service
- Creative Technology
- Credit Analysis & Research
- Credit Suisse
- Crescendo Music
- Cressanda Solutions
- CricketNext
- Crompton Greaves
- CropLife India
- Crown Media Holdings
- Cummins
- Customer First Services
- Cyanamid Agro
- CyberBazaar India
- Cyberstar
- Cyberwave Internet Solutions
- Dabhol Power Company
- Dabur CGU Life Insurance
- Dabur India
- Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company
- Daewoo Motors
- Daikin
- Daimler
- Dairy Den Kiosk
- Daksh eServices
- Dalia Securities
- Dalmia Consumer Care
- Danfoss Industries
- Dassault Aviation
- Dassault Sytemes
- Data Access (India)
- Data Inc
- Datamatics
- Datamonitor
- Datanet e-Commerce Services
- Datapro
- Dax Networks
- DC Design (Automotive) Pvt. Ltd.
- De Beers
- Deccan Aviation
- Deccan Express Logistics
- Deccanet Designs
- Deepak Fertilisers & Petrochemicals Corporation
- Deepak Nitrite
- Del Monte Pacific
- Dell
- Deloitte Haskins & Sells
- Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
- Delphi
- Delphi TVS Diesel Systems
- Delta Air Lines
- Delta Innovative Enterprises
- Deltathree
- Dena Bank
- Design Directions
- Deutsche Asset Management
- Deutsche Bank
- Deutsche Investitions Finanz Bank
- Deutsche Network Services
- Deutz AG
- Development Credit Bank
- Development Finance Company
- Dewan Housing Finance Corporation
- DG Bank
- DG2L Technologies
- Dhana Cooperative Urban Bank
- Dhanalakshmi Bank
- DHL Worldwide Express
- Dhunseri Tea and Industries
- Diageo
- Dialpad Communications
- Diebold
- digimax_india
- Digital Equipment India
- Digital Globalsoft
- DigitalThink India
- Discovery Communications
- Dishman Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals
- DishnetDSL
- Disney
- Dispro
- DiviNet Access Technologies
- Divi's Labs
- D-Link
- Dockers
- Domino's Pizza India
- Doordarshan
- Dow Chemicals
- Dow Corning
- Dr Ambedkar Law University
- Dr Batra's Positive Health Products
- Dr Reddy's Laboratories
- Dragoco India
- Dream Merchants
- Dredging Corporation of India
- Drillco
- DSP Merrill Lynch
- DSQ Biotech
- DSQ Holdings
- DSQ Software
- Duncans
- DuPont
- Dynamix Dairy Industries
- Dyson Technologies
- E.piphany
- e2 Labs
- East India Hotels
- Eastman Chemicals
- eBay India
- E-City Entertainment (I) Pvt Ltd
- Eclipse Aviation
- EFY Enterprises
- Ehrlich Laboratory Private Limited
- Eicher Group
- EID Parry
- EIH Limited
- El Forge Limited
- Elder Pharmaceuticals
- Electrolux
- Electrolux Voltas
- Electronic Data Systems Corporation
- Electronica Machine Tools
- Electronics Corporation of India
- Electrosteel Casting
- Elf Aquitaine
- Eli Lilly
- Elmin Electrodes
- Emagia Corporation
- Embraer
- EMD Pharmaceuticals
- Emerson Electric
- Emery Worldwide
- Emirates
- Emmellen Biotech Pharmaceuticals
- Empee Distilleries
- emRep LLC
- Enam Securities
- Encoda Systems
- Encyclopædia Britannica
- Enginers India
- Enron
- Eonour Technologies
- Epic Enzymes Pharmaceuticals & Industrial Chemicals
- ePolicy Solutions
- Epson India
- Ericsson
- Ernst & Young
- Escorts
- Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre
- Escotel
- ESPN Software India
- Essar group
- Essar Oil
- Essar Steel
- Essar Teleholdings
- Essel Group
- Essel Packaging
- Essel Propack
- Essel World
- Essilor
- Ester Industries
- Eurocopter
- Euronet
- Euronet Services India
- Eutelsat SA
- Eveready Industries
- Evolve
- Excelcia Foods
- Exchange4media
- Exide Industries
- Exide Technologies
- Exim Bank
- EXL Service
- Expertus Infotech
- Export Credit Guarantee Corporation
- ExxonMobil
- FaceTime Communications
- FastWeb
- FCG Software Services
- FCI OEN Connectors
- Fedders Lloyd
- Federal Bank
- FedEx Corporation
- Feinchemie Schwebda
- Fenner India
- Fertilisers and Chemicals Travancore
- FFE Minerals India
- Fiat
- Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
- Fifth Generation Technologies
- Film Roman
- Financial Technologies
- Financial Technology Ventures
- Fine Chemical
- fin-e-ssential_infotech
- Finolex Group
- Finolex Industries
- Finolex Technologies
- Fipronil
- First Global Stock Broking
- FirstCry
- Firstsource Solutions
- Fitch Ratings India
- Flight Options
- Flipkart
- Flipper Clipp Power Systems
- Fluent
- Forbes Marshall
- Force Motors
- Ford India
- Ford Motors
- Formulasys
- Fortis Healthcare
- Fortune Informatics
- Fortune Media
- Fortune Online Lottery
- Foseco India
- Foster's India
- Foxconn / Hon Hai Precision Industry Co
- France Telecom
- Franklin Templeton Investmests
- Fratelli-Frattini
- FreeMarkets
- French Ceilings
- Frick India
- Friedman group
- Frost and Sullivan
- Fujitsu
- Fujitsu General
- Funskool India
- Futron Corporation
- Future Group
- FutureSoft
- Gabriel India
- Galaxy Entertainment Corporation
- Galileo India
- Gartner
- Gartner Dataquest
- Gas Authority of India Limited
- Gasfuse India
- Gateway Distriparks
- Gazprom Russia
- GE Aviation
- GE Lighting India
- GE Money
- GE Shipping
- Genentech
- Gener
- General Dynamics
- General Electric
- General Electric India
- General Insurance Corporation
- General Motors
- General Motors India
- Genpact
- Genzyme Corporation
- Geojit Securities / Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services
- Geometric Software Solutions
- GeoPost
- German Remedies
- Gestener (India)
- Ghatalia Associates
- GIC Housing Finance
- Gigabyte Technology
- Gillette
- Gillette India
- Gland Pharma
- Glaxo India
- Glaxo SK
- Glaxo Wellcome
- GlaxoSmithKline
- Glencore
- Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
- Global Brand Marketing
- Global E-Secure
- Global Information Systems Technology
- Global Money Exchange Company
- Global Trust Bank
- Globus Stores
- GM Daewoo
- GMR Group
- Go Bananas
- GoAir
- Godfrey Phillips
- Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Company
- Godrej Agrovet
- Godrej Beverages and Foods
- Godrej Consumer Products
- Godrej Group
- Godrej Industries
- Godrej Sara Lee
- Godrej Soaps
- Godrej Tea
- Golden Cruiser Lines
- Goldman Sachs
- GoldQuest International
- Good Knight
- Goodlass Nerolac
- Gramophone Company of India
- Grant Thornton
- Granules India
- Graphite India
- Grasim Industries
- Great Eastern Shipping Company
- Greaves Cotton
- Green 8 India
- Greenply Industries
- Grey Worldwide India
- Growmore Bio-Tech
- Gujarat Ambuja Cements
- Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation
- Gujarat Gas
- Gujarat Glass
- Gujarat Informatics
- Gujarat Lease Financing
- Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation
- Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Company
- Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation
- Gujarat State Petronet
- Gulf Insurance Group
- Gulf Oil Corporation
- GVK Group
- GVM International
- H&R Johnson
- Hakuhodo
- Haldia Petrochemicals
- Hallmark-Hovis
- Hanuman Tea Company
- Harbinger Knowledge Products
- Hasbro
- Hathway Cable and Datacom
- Hathway Cable Internet
- Hatsun Agro Product
- Havells India
- HCL Comnet
- HCL Frontline
- HCL Infosystems
- HCL Perot
- HCL Technologies
- HDFC Bank
- HDFC Chubb
- HDFC Mutual Fund
- HDFC Securities
- HDFC Standard Life
- Headstrong Corporation
- Healthcare Solutions Group
- Hebros Bank
- Henkel
- Henkel Spic
- Herbertsons
- Hero Cycles
- Hero Honda
- Hero MotoCorp
- Hewitt Associates
- Hewlett-Packard
- Hewlett-Packard India
- Hexaware Technologies
- Hikal Ltd
- Himachal Futuristic Communications
- Himalaya Herbal Healthcare
- Hind Lever Chemicals
- Hindalco Industries
- Hinduja Group
- Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd
- Hindustan Antibiotics
- Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt Ltd
- Hindustan Construction Company
- Hindustan Copper
- Hindustan Development Corporation
- Hindustan Inks and Resins
- Hindustan Motors
- Hindustan Newsprint
- Hindustan Paper Corporation
- Hindustan Petroleum Corporation
- Hindustan Powerplus
- Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries
- Hindustan Shipyard
- Hindustan Times
- Hindustan Unilever
- Hindustan Zinc
- Hino Motors
- Hiranandani group
- Hitachi Global Storage Technologies
- Hitachi Home & Life Solutions
- Hitachi Ltd
- HK Finechem
- HMA STARware
- Hoechst Marion Roussel
- Hoganas India
- Holcim
- Holiday Inn
- Holistic Entertainment
- Home Trade
- Honda Aircraft Company
- Honda Motor and Scooters India
- Honda Motor Company
- Honda Siel Cars India
- Honda Siel Power Product
- Honeywell
- Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation
- Hoogevens
- Hospitality Valuation Services International
- Hotel Hindustan International
- HR Works
- Huawei
- Hudco
- Hudco
- Hughes Escorts / Hughes Communications
- Hughes Software Systems
- Hummingbird
- Hunan Chenzhou Electric International Development Corporation
- Hutchison Essar
- Hutchison Max Telecom
- Hyatt Regency
- Hyderabad Bank
- Hyderabad Industries
- Hydrodrive Systems and Controls
- Hyosung Motors
- Hyundai India Telecom
- Hyundai Motor
- IBM Global Services India
- IBM India
- Ichiban
- ICI India
- ICICI Bank
- ICICI Home Finance
- ICICI Infotech/ 3i Infotech
- ICICI Lombard General Insurance
- ICICI OneSource
- ICICI Prudential Life
- ICICI Prudential Life Insurance
- ICICI Securities
- ICICIdirect
- ICO Global Communications
- ICSA (India)
- IDBI Bank
- IDC India
- Idea Cellular
- Idea7 Business Solutions Pvt Ltd
- Ideas Unlimited
- iDLX
- Iffco Tokio General Insurance
- i-flex Solutions
- iGate Global Solutions
- IIT Capital Services
- Ikea
- illycaffe
- Imax Corporation
- IMFA Group
- Impetus Technologies
- IN Network Entertainment
- INA Bearings
- Ind-Auto
- Indecomm Global Services
- Independent Liquor
- India Cements
- India Household & Healthcare
- India Intellisys Technology
- India Life Asset Management Company
- India Life Hewitt
- India Nippon Electricals
- India Polyfibres
- India Post
- India Pre-Paid Services
- India Software Group
- India Switch Company
- Indiacom
- Indian Airlines
- Indian Aluminium
- Indian Bank
- Indian Hotels Company
- Indian Immunologicals
- Indian Infrastructure Equipment
- Indian National Digital Library in Science and Technology
- Indian Oil Corporation
- Indian Overseas Bank
- Indian Railways
- Indian Rayon
- Indian Register of Shipping
- Indian Resort Hotels
- Indian Shaving Products
- Indian Syntans Investments
- Indian Telephone Industries
- Indian Television Dot Com
- Indian Tourism Development Corporation
- Indigo
- Indo Gulf Corporation
- Indo Gulf Fertilisers
- Indo Rama Synthetics India
- Indo Rama Textiles
- Indo-Fuji Information Technologies
- Indox Winds
- Indraprastha Gas
- Ind-Swift Laboratories
- Indus Towers
- Indusa Infotech
- Indusa Technical Corporation
- IndusInd Bank
- Indusind Media and Communications
- Industrial and Financial Systems
- Industrial Development Bank of India
- Industrial Finance Corporation of India
- Industrial Oxygen
- Infinite Computer Solutions
- Infogain India
- Information Handling Services
- Informix
- Infosys Technologies
- InfoTech Enterprises
- Infotech Network Group
- Infraline Technologies
- Infrasoft Technologies
- Infrastructure Development and Finance Company
- ING group
- ING Vysya Bank
- ING Vysya Life Insurance
- ING Vysya Mutual Fund
- Ingersoll-Rand
- Ingram Micro
- Inktomi
- Inox Air Products
- Insilco
- Intel
- Intel Capital
- Intelenet Global Services Private Limited
- Intelivision
- Intelligroup Asia
- Intelsat
- Inter News
- Intergraph
- Intermet Corporation
- International Data Corporation
- International Finance Corporation
- International Finance Corporation
- International Monetary Fund
- International Research and Development
- Intiqua International India
- Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency
- Iomega Corporation
- Ion Exchange (India)
- Ipca Laboratories
- IPFonline
- Irish Refining
- Isagro Asia Agrochemical
- Isilica Networks India Pvt Ltd
- Isoft
- Ispat Industries
- Israel Aerospace Industries
- ITCon
- ITW Signode India
- ITXC Corp
- i-Vantage India
- IVRCL Infrastructures and Projects
- J K Cosmetics
- J P Morgan
- J&P Coats
- J. B. Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
- jadooWorks
- Jagatjit Industries
- Jagsonpal Pharma
- Jaiprakash group
- Jammu & Kashmir Bank
- Janus capital
- Japan Banking International Cooperation
- Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust
- Jay Bharat Maruti
- Jaya TV
- Jaysynth Dyechem
- JD Power
- JD Power Associates
- Jet Airways
- Jetking Infotrain
- Jindal Iron and Steel
- Jindal Photo Films
- Jindal Polyester
- Jindal Stainless
- Jindal Steel & Power
- Jindal Strips
- JK Industries
- JM Morgan Stanley Retail Services
- JM Mutual Fund
- Jog Group
- Johnson & Johnson
- Johnson Controls
- Joint Indo-American Bioinformatics Alliance
- Joyco India
- JP Mobile
- JSW Steel
- Jubilant Organosys
- Jupiter Infosys
- Jurong Technologies
- Jyoti Fibre Glass Screens
- K K Polycolour India
- Kakatiya Grameena Bank
- Kale Consultants
- Kalyani Group
- Kalyani Steels
- Karnataka Bank
- Karnataka Power Corporation
- Karur Vysya Bank
- Kasturi & Sons
- KBC Bank
- KCT Coal
- Keane
- KEC International
- Kedia Fans
- Kee Pharma
- Keebler
- Kellogg
- Keltec
- Keltron
- Kennametal
- Kenstar
- Kerala Financial Corporation
- Kerala Hospitality
- Kerala Shipping and Inland Navigation Corporation
- Kerala State Beverages Corporation
- Kerala State Cooperative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank
- Kerala State Road Transport Corporation
- Ketchum Inc
- Key Automation Nederland
- Khadi & Village Industries Commission
- Kimberly-Clark Lever
- Kinetic Engineering
- Kinetic Escalator & Elevator
- Kinetic group
- Kinetic Motor Company
- Kingfisher Airlines
- Kirloskar Copeland Corporation
- Kirloskar Electric Company
- Kirloskar group
- Kirloskar Oil Engines
- Kistler Instrumente
- Knoll Pharmaceuticals
- Kobian
- Kochhar & Co
- Kochi Refineries
- Kodak
- Konka Electronics
- Konkan Railway Corporation
- Kopran
- Kotak Mahindra
- Kotak Mahindra Bank
- Kotak Mahindra Finance
- Kotak Mahindra Group
- Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund
- Kotak Securities
- Krebs Biochemicals and Industries
- Kris Srikkanth Sports
- Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigam
- Kurlon
- Kuwait Airways
- Kvaerner Powergas
- L&T Finance Holdings
- Lacoste
- Lafarge
- LafargeHolcim
- Lakme Lever
- Lakshmi General Finance
- Lakshmi Vilas Bank
- Lalbhai group
- Lanbit
- Landmark Infotech
- Lanner Electronics India
- Lanner Group
- Larsen & Toubro
- Larsen and Toubro Infotech
- Laser Soft Infosystems
- Le Meredien India
- LeasePlan Fleet Management
- Lehman Brothers
- Lenovo
- Leo Burnett
- Levi Strauss
- LG Balakrishnan & Bros
- LG Care
- LG Electronics
- LIC Housing Finance Ltd
- Life Insurance Corporation of India
- Lincare Holdings Inc
- Litton Industries
- Live Relay Pvt Ltd
- LKP Forex
- LNM Group
- Lockheed Martin
- Logitech
- Lombardini
- Longines
- Loop Mobile / Loop Telecom
- Lord Krishna Bank
- L'Oréal
- Lotte Confectionery Company
- Loyal Engineering
- LSI Logic
- Lucas TVS
- Lucent
- Lufthansa
- Lupin
- Lyka Laboratories
- LyondellBasell
- M&N Publications
- M.P. Birla
- Ma Foi Management Consultants
- Maars Software International
- Macromedia
- Madhavpura Bank
- Madison Communications
- Madras Cements
- Madras Fertilisers
- Madras Refineries
- Madura Coats
- Madura Garments
- Maersk
- Magan Industries
- Magnasoft
- Magnum Resources
- Mahanagar Gas
- Maharishi Housing Development Finance Corporation
- Mahindra & Mahindra
- Mahindra and Mahindra Financial Services
- Mahindra British Telecom
- Mahindra Gujarat Tractor
- Mahindra Satyam
- Majestic Auto
- Malayala Manorama Group
- Malaysia Airlines
- MAN Nutzfahrzeuge
- Mangalore Refineries and Petrochemicals
- Mano Pharmaceuticals
- Manugistics Group
- Maples ESM Technologies
- Mardia Chemicals
- Margadarsi-Eenadu Group
- Marico Industries
- Marketmax
- MarketRx
- Marsh India
- Maruti Computer Trade Concern
- Maruti Countrywide Auto Financial Services
- Maruti Udyog
- Mascon Global
- Mascot Systems
- Mastek
- MasterCard
- MatexNet
- Matrix Laboratories
- MatrixOne
- Matsushita
- Matsushita Panasonic Battery
- Mattel Toys
- Mavoor Service Cooperative Bank
- Mavrick Sytems
- Max India
- Max New York Life Insurance
- Maxfair Drugs and Cosmetics Pvt Ltd
- Maxtor Corporation
- Mayajaal Entertainment
- Maytas Infra
- McAfee
- McDonald's
- McDowell & Co
- McKinsey
- Media Dreams
- Media Factory
- Media Lab Asia
- Media Matrix Fashion House
- Medicine Shoppe
- Medicines for Malaria Venture
- Medicom Solutions
- Megasoft
- MegaVisa
- Melita International
- Menezes Cosmetics Pvt Ltd
- Mennen Financial Services
- MercaLink
- Mercator Lines
- Mercedes Benz
- Merck & Co
- Merck KGaA
- Mercuries Data Systems
- Merloni TermoSanitari
- Merrill Lynch
- Messe Frankfurt
- Metafuse
- Pvt Ltd
- MetLife India Insurance
- Metro Rail Corporation
- Metro Tyres
- Metropolis Health Services
- MG Rover
- Mico
- Microcredit Foundation of India
- Microsense
- Microsoft
- Midas Communication Technologies
- MindEdge Solutions
- Mindshare India
- MindTree Consulting
- Miracle Food Processors
- Mirc Electronics
- Mitsubishi Corp
- Mittal Steel
- MJ Pharma
- MobileFirst
- Modern Foods Industries
- Modi Enterprises
- Modi Revlon
- Modi Rubber
- Modular Infotech
- Molex
- Molex Premise Networks
- Momentum
- Monaco Telecom
- Monginis Foods
- Monsanto
- Monster India
- Moody's Investment Company India
- Moody's Investor Services
- Morepen Laboratories
- Morgan Stanley
- Morphy Richards
- Moser Baer India
- Mother Dairy
- Motorola
- Mount Everest Mineral Water
- Moviesystem
- Mphasis
- MTR Foods
- Mudra Communications
- Multitech International
- Munich Reinsurance Company
- Munjal Showa
- Munoth Industries
- Murudeshwar Ceramics
- Murugappa group
- Muthoot Pappachan Group
- Mylan
- Nabard
- Nagarjuna Construction Company
- Nagpur Bank
- Nandan Agro Farms
- Natco Pharma
- National Aluminium Company
- National Aviation Company
- National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
- National Engineering Industries
- National Geographic
- National Housing Bank
- National Hydroelectric Power Corporation
- National Insurance Company
- National Radio and Electronics Company
- National Securities Depository
- National Thermal Power Corporation
- Naturol BioEnergy
- Navinmail Service (India) Pvt Ltd
- NCC Education
- NCR Corporation
- NCR Systemedia
- NEC Corporation
- Nedungadi Bank
- NEG Micon India
- Neilsoft
- Nerve Wire
- Ness Technologies
- Nest Group
- Nestle
- Nestle India
- Net4India
- Net4Nuts
- Netcore Solutions
- NetCracker Technology
- Network Associates
- Network Programs
- Neurosynaptic Communications (P) Ltd
- Neurosynaptic Communications (P) Ltd
- New Bangkok International Airport
- New Holland India
- New Horizons India
- New India Assurance
- New India Assurance Company
- New Kenilworth Hotel
- Newbridge Capital
- Newgen Software Technologies
- Neyveli Lignite Corporation
- Nicholas Piramal
- Nichrome India
- Nihon Pharmaceutical Industry Co
- Nike
- Niko Resources
- Nirma
- Nirma Education and Research Foundation
- Nissan Motor Company
- n-Logue Communications
- NMS Works Software
- Nocil
- Nokia
- Nokia Siemens Network
- Nortel
- North China Pharmaceutical Company
- Northrop Grumman
- Norton Healthcare
- Novartis
- Novartis India
- Novo Nordisk
- Novopharm
- Nucleus Software Exports
- Num TV
- NVIDIA Corporation
- Oak Hill Capital Partners
- Oakley
- Object Oriented Programming Services
- Oil India Limited
- Ola
- Olivetti
- OM Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Company
- Omnex
- ONGC Videsh
- Onida
- Ontrack Systems
- Onward Technologies
- Open Software Solutions
- Optimus Outsourcing Company
- Opto Circuits
- Opus Software Solutions
- Oracle
- Orbitech Solutions
- Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
- ORG Marg
- Orient Ceramics and Industries
- Orient Fans
- Orient Papers
- Oriental Bank of Commerce
- Oriental Insurance
- Origin International
- Otis Elevator Company (India)
- Overseas Sanmar Financial
- Owens Corning
- Oxford Bookstore
- Paam Pharmaceuticals
- Packard Bell
- Pak Telecom Mobile
- Panalpina World Transport India
- Panasonic
- Panatone Finvest
- Pantaloon Retail (India)
- Paper Products
- Parakh Foods
- Paras Pharmaceuticals
- Parke Davis
- Parle Bisleri
- Parle Products
- Parry's Confectionery
- Parryware
- Patanjali Ayurved
- Patni Computer Systems
- Pawan Hans
- PCS Industries
- Pearl Academy of Fashion
- Pentamedia Graphics
- Pentasoft
- Peopleone Consulting
- PeopleSoft
- Pepsi India
- Pepsico
- Percept Advertising
- Perfect Relations
- Personality
- Petronet LNG
- Pfizer
- PGV International
- Pharmacia
- Philips
- Phillips Carbon Black
- Picturetel Corporation
- Pidilite Industries
- Pilkington Special Glass
- Pinnacle Industries
- Pioneer eLabs
- Pioneer Embroideries
- Pioneer ITI
- Piramal Enterprises
- Piramal Life Scienses
- Pitti Laminations
- Plastro Plasson Industries
- Playwin Infravest
- PMAM Corporation
- PNB Asset Management Company
- PNB Housing Finance
- Poabs
- Polansky Electronics
- Polaris Software
- Popkin Software
- Porsche
- Posco India
- Power Finance Corporation
- Powergrid Corporation of India
- PracticeWorks
- Pradeep Drugs
- Pragati Software
- Praj Industries
- Prasar Bharati
- Pratt & Whitney
- Premier Automobiles
- Premier Fosters
- Principal Mutual Fund
- Printreach Publishing
- Proalgen Biotech
- Procter & Gamble India
- Progeon
- ProLease
- Proline India
- Propack Holdings
- Prudential Group
- Prudential ICICI
- Prudential ICICI Mutual Fund
- Prudential ICICI Trust
- Prudential Securities
- Punj Lloyd Group
- Punjab & Sind Bank
- Punjab Alkalies and Chemicals
- Punjab National Bank
- Punjab Tractors
- Pureview Technologies
- Qatar Airways
- Qibla Cola Company
- Qimpro Consultants
- Qmax Test Equipments
- Quaker Oats
- Qualcomm
- Quantech Global Services
- Quinnox Consultancy Services
- Quintant Corporation
- Quipo
- Quovadx
- R K Swamy BBDO Advertising
- R P Electronics
- Rabo Bank
- Rabo India
- Rabo India Finance
- Radico Khaitan
- RADO Watch Co
- Raheja group
- Raj Television Network
- Rajan Raheja group
- Rajasthan Breweries
- Rajesh Exports
- Rallis India
- RAM Informatics
- Ramco Industries
- Ramco Systems
- Ranal Software Technologies
- Ranbaxy
- Rane Group
- Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilisers
- Rasna
- Rational Software India
- Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Limited
- Raymond
- Raytheon
- Reckitt & Colman / Reckitt Benckiser
- Reckitt & Colman India
- Recreate Solutions
- Red Hat
- Rediffusion DY&R
- Redington India
- Reed Exhibitions
- Reliance Capital
- Reliance Capital Asset Management
- Reliance Capital Mutual Fund
- Reliance Communications
- Reliance Energy
- Reliance Industries
- Reliance Infrastructure
- Reliance Insurance
- Reliance Jio Infocomm
- Reliance Life Insurance Company
- Reliance Life Sciences
- Reliance Mutual Fund
- Reliance Natural Resources Ltd
- Reliance Petroleum
- Reliance Power
- Reliance Retail India
- Religare Enterprises
- Remedy
- Remsons
- Renault
- Renfro India
- Research Engineers
- Research In Motion
- Rev IT Systems
- Reva Electric Car Company
- Rio Tinto
- RN Group
- Robert Bosch
- Roche
- Rockford Corporation
- Rockwell
- Rolls Royce Group
- Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
- Rolta India Ltd
- Rosoboronexport
- Royal & SunAlliance
- Royal Enfield Motors
- Royal Group of Hotels
- Royal Palms India Pvt Ltd
- Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance
- RPG Cellular Services
- RPG group / RPG Enterprises
- RPG Life Sciences
- Rubco
- Runwal
- Rural Cellular Corporation
- Rural Electrification Corporation
- Ryanair
- S Kumars
- S M Apparels
- SABMiller
- Sabre Capital Worldwide
- Sabre Holdings Corporation
- SafeScrypt
- Sahara Group
- Sahara Media Entertainment
- Saint Gobain
- Salora Shinsung Textile Company
- Salzer Textiles
- Same Deutz-Fahr
- Samira Constructions
- Sampre Nutritions
- Samsonite
- Samsung
- Samtel
- Samudra Shipyard
- Sanchayani Savings and Investments (India)
- Sandoz
- Sandvik Asia
- Sanghvi Movers
- Sanjana Cryogenic Storages
- Sankara Nethralaya
- Sankhya Technologies
- Sanmar Group
- Sanofi-Aventis
- Sanofi-Synthelabo India
- Sanyo
- Sapient
- Sara Lee
- Sara Lee TTK
- Sarabhai Piramal Pharmaceuticals
- Saraf Industries
- Saraswat Cooperative Bank
- Saregama India
- Sarovar Park Plaza Hotels
- SAS India
- Sasi Advertising
- Satyam Computer Services
- Satyam Venture Engineering Services
- Saudi Arabian Airlines
- SBI Capital Markets
- SBI Cards and Payment Services Pvt Ltd
- SBI Home Finance
- SBI Life Insurance
- SBI Mutual Fund
- ScanSoft Inc
- Schein Pharmaceuticals
- Schering
- Schlumberger
- Schreiber Foods
- Schroder
- Schwarz Pharma
- Schwing Stetter
- SCO Group
- Seacom Solutions India
- Seagate Technology
- SecureSynergy
- Segue Software
- Select Technologies
- Selectica Configurators India Pvt Ltd
- SembCorp Logistics
- Semiconductor Complex
- Sento Corporation
- Servion Global Solutions
- SES Technologies
- Sesa Goa Ltd
- SGV Bank
- Shalimar Paints
- Sharp Corporation
- Shasun Chemicals
- Shaw Wallace
- Shell
- Sherif Dyan
- Sherpa Business Solutions
- Shipping Corporation of India
- Shogun Diapers
- Shonkh Technologies
- Shoppers' Stop
- Shoprite Holdings
- Shriram Group
- Siebel Systems
- Siemens Limited
- Sierra Atlantic Software Services
- Sify
- Sigma Partners
- Sigma-Aldrich
- Signature Pharmaceuticals
- Sikorsky
- Silicon Graphics
- Silicon Mountains
- Siltap Chemicals
- Silverline Technologies
- Simpson & General Finance
- Singapore Airlines
- SIS Software (India) Pvt Ltd
- Sistema Shyam Teleservices Ltd
- Siti Cable Network
- SKAB Impex
- SKF India
- Skoda
- Skycell Communications
- Small Industries Development Bank of India
- SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare India
- SmithKline Beecham Pharma India
- Snapdeal
- Snowcem India
- Sodexo Alliance
- Softbank Corp
- Softex Computer Services
- Sol Pharmaceuticals
- Solar Nursery
- SolidWorks Corp
- Solutions INTG
- Somany Tiles
- Sona Koyo Steering Systems
- Sonata Software
- Sony Electronics
- Sony Entertainment Television
- Sony Ericsson
- Sony India
- Sotheby's Holdings
- South East Asia Bank
- South Indian Bank
- Southern Petrochemical Corporation
- Space Imaging
- SpaceX
- Span Communications
- Spartek Ceramic India
- Spectrum Software
- Speech and Software Technologies
- Spice Communications
- SpiceCorp
- SpiceJet
- Splash TV
- Sportiff
- Sports Entertainment
- SportzPR
- Sprint
- SQL Star International
- Srei International
- Sri Adhikari Brothers TV Network
- Sri Lankan Airlines
- Srinivas Fine Arts
- SSL International
- SSV Enterprises
- St Angelo's Computers
- Staffware
- StanChart Grindlays
- Standard & Poor's
- Standard Chartered Bank
- Standard Chartered Investments and Loans (India)
- Standard Chartered Mutual Fund
- Standard Chartered Private Equity
- Standard Electric Appliances
- Standard Life Assurance Company
- Standard Life Investments
- Standard Life Mutual Fund
- Star TV
- Starbucks Corporation
- Starlink
- State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur
- State Bank of Hyderabad
- State Bank of Indore
- State Bank of Mysore
- State Bank of Saurashtra
- State Bank of Travancore
- Steel Authority of India
- Steel Industrials Kerala
- SteelRx
- Stellantis
- Sterling Biotech
- Sterling Group
- Sterlite Industries
- Stock Holding Corporation of India
- Stracon
- Subex Systems
- Sudarshan Chemicals Industries
- Sudarshan Finance
- Suman Motels
- Sumangali Cable Vision
- Sumitomo Corporation
- Sun Chemicals Group
- Sun Fibre Optics
- SUN group
- Sun Life Financial
- Sun Microsystems
- Sun Pharmaceuticals
- Sun TV
- Sundaram Asset Management
- Sundaram Brake Linings
- Sundaram Clayton
- Sundaram Finance
- Sundaram Home Finance
- Sundaram Mutual
- Sundram Fasteners
- Sun-n-Sand
- Superbrands India
- SupplyChainge
- Supreme Industries
- Supreme Petrochem
- Surana & Surana
- Suven Life Sciences
- Suzlon Energy
- Suzuki Metal India
- Suzuki Motors
- Swaraj Mazda
- Swatch Group
- Swiss Re
- Swiss Reinsurance
- Sybase India
- Sylea Automotive
- Symantec
- Symphony Comfort Systems
- Syndicate Bank
- Syntax Soft-Tech
- Syntel Inc
- Synthon Chiragenics Corporation
- Systemonic
- SYSTIMAX Solutions
- Systime
- TAG Creative Brand Solutions
- TAG Heuer
- TAIB Bank
- TAIB Securities India
- TAL Manufacturing Solutions
- Talisma Corporation
- Tally Solutions
- Tamil Nadu Electricity Board
- Tamilnad Mercantile Bank
- Tanishq
- Tarang Software Technologies
- Targus
- Tasmac
- Tata AIG
- Tata AIG General
- Tata AIG Life
- Tata Autocomp Systems
- Tata Chemicals
- Tata Coffee
- Tata Communications
- Tata Consultancy Services
- Tata Economic Consultancy Services
- Tata Electric Co.
- Tata Elxsi
- Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company
- Tata Finance
- Tata Group
- Tata HomeFinance
- Tata Honeywell
- Tata Industries
- Tata Infomedia
- Tata Infotech
- Tata International
- Tata Iron and Steel Company
- Tata Liebert
- Tata Motors
- Tata Power Company
- Tata Sons
- Tata Sponge Iron
- Tata SSL
- Tata Steel
- Tata Tea
- Tata Technologies
- Tata Telecom
- Tata Teleservices
- Taubmans Paints
- TeamLease Services
- Tech Mahindra
- Tech Pacific (India)
- TechSpan
- Tecumseh Products India
- Teijin
- Tektronix India
- Tele Atlas Co
- Telecommunications and Computer Network
- Telecommunications Consultants India
- Telenor
- Telesis Technologies
- TeleStrategies
- Telewest Broadband
- Telstra
- Temasek Holdings
- Templeton Mutual Fund
- Ten Sports
- Tenneco Automotive
- Teradata
- Teradyne
- Terex Vectra Equipment
- Terra Agro Technologies
- Tesla Motors
- Tetra Pak
- Teva Pharmaceuticals
- Texaco
- Thai Airways
- Thakral Digital
- Thales
- Thapar group
- The Andhra Pradesh State Financial Corporation
- The Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
- The Bombay Dyeing and Manufacturing Company
- The Cochin Port Trust
- The Credit Information Bureau (India)
- The Indian Performance Rights Society
- The Industrial Finance Corporation of India
- The Information Company Pvt Ltd
- The Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services
- The International Monetary Fund
- The SL Ruia group
- Therion Biologics
- Thermax
- Thermax Babcock & Wilcox
- Thermax Culligan
- Thomas Cook
- Thomson /Thomson Reuters
- ThyssenKrupp
- TI Diamond
- Time Warner
- Timex Watches
- Timken India
- Titan Industries
- Tolani Shipping
- Toonz Animation
- Tops Group
- Torrent
- Toshiba Corporation
- Total
- Total Infotainment
- Totus Consulting
- Toyota Financial Services
- Toyota Kirloskar Motor
- Toyota Motor Corp.
- Transamerica Apple Distribution Finance
- Transasia Biomedicals
- TransWorks
- Travancore Rayons
- Travancore-Cochin Chemicals
- Travelex
- Trent
- Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri
- Trigyn Technologies
- Trilogy
- TSCN Clothing
- TTK Group
- Tube Investments
- Turner International
- TV Today Network
- TVS Autolec
- TVS Electronics
- TVS eTechnology
- TVS Motor Company
- TVS Sons
- TVS-Suzuki
- Twinstar Holding
- Tyco Electronics
- Tyco International
- UAE Exchange and Financial Services
- UB Group
- Uber
- Uberall Solutions (I)
- UBS Warburg
- UCO Bank
- UDV India
- Ugam Solutions
- UltraTech
- Umak Resource Communications
- Uni Klinger
- Unichem Laboratories
- Unicorn Holdings Pvt Ltd
- Unilever
- Union Bank of India
- Union Bank of India
- Unisys
- Unit Trust of India
- Unitech Exhibitions
- Unitech group
- United Bank of India
- United India Insurance
- United Technologies
- United Western Bank
- Universal Music
- Universe Dragon
- Uppal Group
- Upstream
- Usha Beltron
- Usha Martin
- UTI Asset Management Company
- UTI Bank
- UTI Venture Funds
- Vale
- Valeo
- Valtra
- ValueLabs
- Van Leer
- Vanavil Dyes and Chemicals
- Vanenburg Asia
- Varun Shipping
- Vascon Engineers
- Vedanta
- Velvette International
- Venture India
- Vera Laboratories
- VeriFone Inc
- Veritas Software
- Verizon Wireless
- Versware
- Vesuvius India
- V-Guard
- VIA Technologies
- Viacom
- Viceroy Homes
- Vichitra Electronics
- Videocon
- Vijay TV
- Vijaya Bank
- Vinyl Chemicals
- VIP Industries Ltd
- Virgin Group
- Virtusa Corporation
- Virudhnagar Textile Mills
- Visa International
- Vistara
- Visteon India
- Visual Graphics Computing Services
- VisualSoft Technologies
- VKC Software Solutions
- VLS Finance
- vMoksha Technologies
- VocalTec Communications
- Vodafone
- Vodafone Essar
- Voith
- Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation
- Voith Turbo India
- Volkswagen
- Voltas
- Volvo
- VST Industries
- Vysya Bank
- Vysya Bank Housing Finance
- Vysya Bank Housing Finance
- Walchand Capital Group
- Walchand
- Wal-Mart
- Warner Lambert
- Wartsila India
- Waterbase
- WebSpective Software
- Weikfield
- Wellquest
- Welspun Group
- WeP Peripherals
- West Coast India
- WestBridge Capital Partners
- Western Union Financial Services
- Whirlpool India
- Wild Brain
- Williams Wireless Technologies
- Wimco
- Wind River Systems
- Windals Infotech
- Winds
- Wipro
- Wipro Finance
- Wipro Infotech
- Wockhardt
- World Bank
- WorldCom
- WPP Media
- Wyeth
- Xerox Corporation
- Xilinx
- Xircom
- Xstrata
- Yahoo!
- Yamaha Motors
- Yes Bank
- ZAK Trade Fairs
- Zandu
- Zee group
- Zenith Computers
- Zensar Technologies
- Zett Media
- Zicom Electronic Security Systems
- Zintec Software
- Zodiac Clothing Company
- Zoom Properties
- Zurich Financial
- Zydus Cadila