The union cabinet on Thursday approved a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between India and Russia on joint activities under human spaceflight programme
India and Russia will strengthen cooperation in space programmes, including manned space missions, under a memorandum of understanding signed between the two countries in October.
The MoU will provide an impetus for development of technologies and advanced systems required for the human space flight programmes, such as radiation shielding, life support systems, crew module, rendezvous and docking systems, space suit, training for astronauts etc.
The MoU will lead to a joint activity in the field of application of space technologies for the benefit of humanity. It will also help in the setting up of a joint working group, which will further work out the plan of action, including the time-frame and the means of implementing the provisions of the agreement.
The cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi also approved an MoU between India and Tajkistan on cooperation in the peaceful uses of space technology for development. The MoU was signed on 8 October 2018 at Dushanbe, Tajkistan.
This MoU will provide an impetus for exploration of newer research activities and application possibilities in the field of remote sensing of the earth, satellite navigation, space science and exploration of outer space.
It would lead to development of joint activity in the field of application of space technologies for the benefit of humanity. It will lead to setting up of a joint working group, which will further work out the plan of action including the time-frame and the means of implementing the provisions of the agreement.
The joint working group, drawing members from DOS/Isro and the State Committee of Land Management and Geodesy of Republic of Tajikistan, will further work out the plan of action, including the time-frame and the means of implementing the MoU.
The cabinet also approved an agreement between India and Uzbekistan on cooperation in exploration of outer space for peaceful purposes. The agreement was signed on 1 October 2018 in New Delhi during the state visit of the President of Uzbekistan to India.
The agreement will strengthen cooperation between India and Uzbekistan and would provide impetus to explore newer research activities and application possibilities in the field of remote sensing of the earth; satellite communication; satellite navigation; space science and exploration of outer space.
The cabinet also approved an MoU between India and Morocco for cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space. The MoU was signed in New Delhi on 25 September 2018.
This MoU will enable potential use of space science, technology and applications, including remote sensing of the earth; satellite communication and satellite based navigation; space science and planetary exploration, use of spacecraft and space systems and ground system, and application of space technology.
The cabinet also was apprised of an agreement between India and Algeria on cooperation in the field of space sciences, technologies and applications. The agreement, signed at Bengaluru on 19 September, will enable cooperation in areas such as space science, technology and applications, including remote sensing of the earth, satellite communication and satellite based navigation, space science and planetary exploration, GSE of spacecraft and space systems and ground system; and application of space technology.
India and Algeria have been pursuing 'commercial' interactions in the field of space. Antrix Corporation Limited has been interacting with Algerian officials towards establishment of ground station, and launch of satellites (3 micro-satellites and one nano-satellite of Algeria were launched by PSLV during 2010-2016).