Technology - general

Northrop Grumman awarded $517-million agreement for US army airship with unblinking eye

19 Jun 2010

Model helps search for moon dust fountains

By Bill Steigerwald, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | 18 Jun 2010

BP uses Kevin Costner’s centrifuge machines to clean oil spill

BP uses Kevin Costner’s centrifuge machines to clean oil spill

16 Jun 2010

After seeing the effects of the Valdez spill in Alaska on TV, Costner put in $24 million of his money in 1995 to fund a team of scientists, including his brother Dan Costner, to develop a technology that could deal with huge oil spills

NASA research suggests more water trapped inside moon

15 Jun 2010

Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa returns from seven-year odyssey

Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa returns from seven-year odyssey

14 Jun 2010

The mission nevertheless has proved enlightening as the spacecraft has shown that the 535-metre asteroid is not a solid body, but rather a lump of rubble resulting from an earlier asteroid collision

Nearby black hole is feeble and unpredictable

09 Jun 2010

Brown chemists report promising advance in fuel-cell technology

Brown chemists report promising advance in fuel-cell technology

08 Jun 2010

A nanoparticle with a palladium core and an iron-platinum shell outperforms commercially available pure-platinum catalysts and lasts longer — a promising advance in fuel-cell technology, developed by chemists at Brown University

Brown chemists report promising advance in fuel-cell technology

Brown chemists report promising advance in fuel-cell technology

08 Jun 2010

A nanoparticle with a palladium core and an iron-platinum shell outperforms commercially available pure-platinum catalysts and lasts longer — a promising advance in fuel-cell technology, developed by chemists at Brown University

Brown chemists report promising advance in fuel-cell technology

Brown chemists report promising advance in fuel-cell technology

08 Jun 2010

A nanoparticle with a palladium core and an iron-platinum shell outperforms commercially available pure-platinum catalysts and lasts longer — a promising advance in fuel-cell technology, developed by chemists at Brown University

Renault's Tangiers plant achieves zero-carbon zero-effluent discharge

05 Jun 2010

STEREO, SOHO spacecraft catch comet diving into sun

By By Robert Sanders, Media Relations, University of California, Berkeley | 26 May 2010

US scientists create synthetic living cell

21 May 2010

New microscopy technique reveals mechanics of blood cell membranes

New microscopy technique reveals mechanics of blood cell membranes

21 May 2010

Thanks to an interdisciplinary team of researchers, scientists now have a more complete understanding of one of the human body’s most vital structures: the red blood cell.

Lessons from the brain: toward an intelligent molecular computer

Lessons from the brain: toward an intelligent molecular computer

20 May 2010

A team of researchers from Japan and Michigan Technological University has built a molecular computer using lessons learned from the human brain.

Lensless imaging of whole biological cells with soft x-rays

19 May 2010

Thermax in pact with Germany's Lambion for energy-from-waste technology

18 May 2010

Cell phone sensors for toxins developed at UC San Diego

Cell phone sensors for toxins developed at UC San Diego

14 May 2010

A tiny silicon chip that works a bit like a nose may one day detect dangerous airborne chemicals and alert emergency responders through the cell phone network.

Mercedes' C 200 CGI makes its India debut with the new CGI technology

14 May 2010

NASA studies find omega-3 may help reduce bone loss

12 May 2010

Suppressing activity of common intestinal bacteria reduces tumour growth

Suppressing activity of common intestinal bacteria reduces tumour growth

12 May 2010

A team of University of California's San Diego School of Medicine researchers has discovered that common intestinal bacteria appear to promote tumour growth in genetically susceptible mice, but that tumourigenesis can be suppressed if the mice are exposed to an inhibiting protein enzyme. By Scott LaFee

First human use of Catheter Robotics' "Amigo" at Leicester

First human use of Catheter Robotics' "Amigo" at Leicester

11 May 2010

Dr André Ng of the University of Leicester has carried out the world's first heart rhythm treatment procedure using robotics

UCLA researchers show how world's smallest 'coffee ring' may help biosensors detect disease

10 May 2010

New understanding of dengue fever could help with vaccine

07 May 2010

Switch that enables Salmonella to sabotage host cells revealed in new study

16 Apr 2010

Gaming with the blink of an eye for those with disabilities

26 Mar 2010

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3 | Industry study | Business History

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of hovercraft Part 2 | Industry study | Business History

History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Hovercraft Part 1 | Industry study | Business History

History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Trams in India | Industry study | Business History

History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

By Aniket Gupta | Presenter: Sheetal Gaikwad

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