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By Editorial: | 26 Mar 2007 serves a premium segment of readers — people in business. These are people with the purchasing power to buy your products and services, and the decision-making power in their companies to buy your office and factory products and services.
The site gets over 24,000 visitors a day, and approximately over 50 lakhs (5 million) page views a month. Sections like the home page and ‘news review’ get a large number of visitors, as does the companies segment. The automotive, infotech, finance, investments, people, and jobs sections too are high-visit sections. In addition, the net telephony pages of the site are accessed frequently.
The site is sharply focused. The most popular sections are the home page, the news review index, and the company news review pages. All the top feature articles here get a large number of visitors for a week to 10 days, and then visitors keep coming to those pages with less frequency for the next six to eight months.
The big advantage offers is the large number of specialised pages that go with your special industry interests. For example, if you are an IT company, our infotech section attracts people interested in information technology. Place your ad in this section and you get people who are interested, at that point of time, in IT — rather than in cars, telephones, foodstuffs or something else. That’s what we call targeted advertising.
Consider the bonuses
A good Internet site combines the advantages of the print media and television, and throws in some bonuses.
Your message endures: Television messages are fleeting. If your message has hard information for your audience, you need to allow people to return to the message at their convenience. The newspaper is thrown away at the end of the day. Your message on the Internet remains there for as long as you want it to.
Your audience can interact with you: If you want your audience to revert to you with inquiries and orders, there’s nothing that compares with a good Internet site.
You can animate your ad: Unlike with the print media, an Internet site allows you to animate your message, improving your chances of attracting audience attention. In this respect such ads give you the advantage that TV offers, but at a much lower price. Don’t know enough about this? Contact us and we’ll create animated banners for you.
Clear your doubts
We already have our own website. Why should we take banners on other sites?
There are hundreds of thousands of websites today’s visitor can pick from. People tend to be choosy about where they go. So, having a site doesn’t mean anything; you need to drive traffic to your site.
There are two ways in which you can achieve this: advertise in various media, asking people to visit your site;
place your banner on a good site.
Clearly, the second option is better because people can go directly to your site without having to jot down your site address or memorise it.
But why should we take a banner on
Basically, you need a site which draws a large number of visitors. This can only be achieved by sites which have content that caters to a large number of people — sites like gives you the additional advantage of being a site which caters mainly to managers and professionals, mostly from India, but also from abroad.
Why are’s rates so high?
You need to see this question in a certain perspective. True, there are thousands of sites that offer to carry your name as a link for a few thousand rupees. But these sites have little to offer visitors. While people may stray into them, they rarely go back for more. Content is poor. And, for you, the ambience is not right. It takes little effort and investment to throw together a few hundred links to sites that pay for links. That doesn’t produce quality.
On the other hand, sites such as (and a few other high-quality sites) spend a lot of time, money and effort in building content that attracts and retains premium visitors. Compared with these sites, has fixed its banner rates at much lower levels. More importantly, compare’s rates with those of the print media or TV, and you will find that it is much, much cheaper, while offering many benefits that the print media and TV just cannot give you.