Google algorithm on-par with doctors in detecting diabetic retinopathy

02 Dec 2016

Google has developed an algorithm that can detect when someone had developed blindness as a result of diabetes.

New variant of Android malware breaches security of 1 mn Google accounts

01 Dec 2016

Google and Novartis put off scheduled test of smart contact lens

22 Nov 2016

Google plans 1-mn sq ft building in post-Brexit London to house 7,000 engineers

16 Nov 2016

Google faces flak after search engine highlights false election story

15 Nov 2016

Google formally rejects EU antitrust charges

05 Nov 2016

Google’s Android grabs 87.5% of market, but challenges ahead

04 Nov 2016

Almost nine out of 10 smartphones in the world run on Android while Apple's iOS shipments are down 5.2 per cent; but few Android makers make a profit and the platform is challenged by Google's own new Pixel devices

Researchers use Google Glass to teach Morse code in four hours

02 Nov 2016

Google News to include “Fact Check” label to stop wrong news stories

18 Oct 2016

Google, FB team up with Chinese firm for cable under Pacific

13 Oct 2016

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