
Robot earns its shoes, walks like a person

Robot earns its shoes, walks like a person

19 Jul 2016

What do you give a robot when it takes its first steps like a human? Its first pair of shoes

Indestructible bridges could be reality

18 Jul 2016

Starship Technologies’ robots to be used for food deliveries

08 Jul 2016

New technology could improve use of small-scale hydropower in developing nations

01 Jul 2016

Bew system that uses sound to alleviate water shortage

23 Jun 2016

Robotic Motion Planning in Real-Time

22 Jun 2016

Industry 4.0 allows manufacturers to see inside precision glass moulding equipment

21 Jun 2016

Robotic clothes folder Foldimate to debut in 2018

Robotic clothes folder Foldimate to debut in 2018

09 Jun 2016

After clothes are folded, they are steamed individually to minimise wrinkling and can be given a softening or sanitising treatment before being stacked on to the folded pile

Researchers create Rubik's Cube-like smartphone

Researchers create Rubik's Cube-like smartphone

18 May 2016

The device features OLED touchscreens on each of its six faces, while a hinge-mounted turntable mechanism allows it to self-reconfigure itself in the user's hand

Stanford University students’ drone perches on walls, ceilings

17 May 2016

This 5-fingered robot hand learns to get a grip on its own

11 May 2016

China unveils robo cop that electrically zaps 'potential threats'

29 Apr 2016

Engineer creates origami battery

20 Apr 2016

Engineers double WiFi capacity at less than half the size

Engineers double WiFi capacity at less than half the size

15 Apr 2016

Engineers have developed the first on-chip RF circulator that doubles WiFi speeds with a single antenna, paving the way to transform telecommunications

Metal-foam hybrid has potential in soft robotics, aeronautics

02 Apr 2016

Light-up skin stretches boundaries of robotics

04 Mar 2016

Bat wings inspire unique design of miniature robot aircraft

Bat wings inspire unique design of miniature robot aircraft

22 Feb 2016

Scientists have developed prototype bat wings that could be used in the next generation of unmanned micro air vehicles

Origami may be new key to structures small and large

29 Jan 2016

Travelling light: ‘smart’ suitcase follows you around

Travelling light: ‘smart’ suitcase follows you around

15 Jan 2016

The carry-on suitcase, currently a prototype, connects to a smartphone app via bluetooth. It has a built-in camera sensor that can ‘see’ you and follow you around on flat surfaces like airport floors

Building concrete shelters on mars

Building concrete shelters on mars

13 Jan 2016

Using Martian concrete with materials naturally found on the Red Planet, researchers develop a building material durable enough to withstand meteorite impacts — a key element needed to creating viable shelters for humans

A new way to print 3-D metals and alloys

12 Jan 2016

Chinese company unveils autonomous drone to fly humans at CES

07 Jan 2016

Soap-sized gadget could spell end for washing machines

Soap-sized gadget could spell end for washing machines

06 Jan 2016

Dolfi, as its creators have dubbed it, uses ultrasonic waves to blast out dirt from clothes without any scrubbing or wringing, transforming any wash basin into a washing machine

New technique offers strong, flawless 3-D printed ceramics

04 Jan 2016

Researchers closer to developing vision for household robots

Researchers closer to developing vision for household robots

30 Dec 2015

Scientists are developing vision technology that could enable the domestic robots of the future to truly see their environment

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3 | Industry study | Business History

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of hovercraft Part 2 | Industry study | Business History

History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Hovercraft Part 1 | Industry study | Business History

History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Trams in India | Industry study | Business History

History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

By Aniket Gupta | Presenter: Sheetal Gaikwad

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