HP teams up with Linux NetworX for clustering solutions
By Our Convergence Bureau | 13 Dec 2002

HP will offer Linux NetworX ClusterWorX software as a cluster supercomputing management tool. On its part, Linux NetworX will offer HP Itanium 2-based systems running Linux to customers who want 64-bit capability.
Linux clustering is a method of linking multiple computers together to form a unified and very powerful computing system. Linux NetworX designs clustering solutions for use in HPC and high-availability applications. HP and Linux NetworX have both designed and built multiple TeraFLOP Linux clusters, systems that are capable of performing trillions of calculations per second.
A Linux NetworX press release said the company will continue to offer its turnkey Evolocity Linux cluster solutions.
The agreement strengthens the cluster offerings for both organisations. HP is the hardware vendor with the most systems on the Top 500 supercomputer list, while Linux NetworX and HP have both designed and built clusters that rank among the 10 fastest supercomputers in the world.