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Sebi mulling on new measures
New Delhi:
Sebi is expected to bring in a lot of market regulatory measures including introducing the concept of unique code number for trading that will help track transactions across exchanges, but it is unlikely to lift the ban on short sales.

On the other hand, there is some doubt over its earlier recommendation to ban badla and introduce a rolling settlement.

The unique code number will be a single number for trading across all exchanges in the country, and will help in tracing transactions by any broker, client or any other entity.
On the issue of rolling settlements, Sebi board members are of the view that it may not help in curbing manipulatio0n as most of the scrips where much manipulation took place recently, such as Global Trust Bank, Amara Raja, Lupin Laboratories, etc, already come under rolling settlement .

Besides, the view is that it would be difficult to enforce rolling settlement in the absence of a viable mechanism for electronic transfer of funds.

Sebi is also putting its own house in order, including introducing service regulations for its staff, for the first time.
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