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Khaleda Zia wins Bangla polls
: Former prime minister Khaleda Zia's Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP)-led coalition on Tuesday gained two-third majority in the parliament, defeating her arch rival Sheikh Hasina's Awami League.

Of the 282 seats the results of which were declared, the four-party combine led by BNP won 202 and its ally Jamaat-e-Islami won 16. The BNP, with 186 seats, on its own is in a position to form a government as the total strength of the parliament is 300.
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RBI relaxes norm for online cards
Mumbai: Reserve Bank of India, lifting the minimum net worth requirement norm of Rs 100-crore, has permitted banks to introduce online debit cards without prior permission.

But the minimum net worth norm would remain in place for issuing off-line debit cards, according to the RBI.

The banks could launch debit card product with the approval of their boards and should forward a copy of approved resolution and agenda to RBI.

They would need to take permission where authorisation and settlement for cards was off-line, the apex bank said, adding they would need to give details like authentication method employed and tie-ups with other agencies/service providers.
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