14 Dec | 15 Dec | 16 Dec | 17 Dec | 18 Dec | 19 Dec | 20 Decnews

Deutsche Bank’s client management head
Mumbai: Akbar Poonawala is the new head of global client management group of Deutsche Bank. The group will function within the corporate trust and agency services of the bank.
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Rajeev Razdan joins Birlasoft
New Delhi: Rajeev Razdan has been appointed vice-president of Birlasoft’s UK operations. Prior to this assignment, Mr Razdan has been business manager of NIIT, Europe.
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Murray is Indo-American Society head
Mumbai: Kevin A Murray, country risk manager of Citibank has been elected president of Indo-American Society for the period beginning 1 September. Mr Murray has been with the bank’s New York office where he was handling special projects for emerging markets.
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Amazon.com founder is Time’s man of the year
New York: Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.com, has been named as Time magazine’s "Man of the year". The magazine said Bozos is a person who not only changed the way we do things but helped pave the way for the future. Reacting to the news about his selection, 35-year-old Mr Bezos said it is an incredible and humbling honour. Mr Bezos, started Amazon.com in 1995 out of a rented two-bedroom home in the Seattle suburb of Bellevue with an initial investment of $300,00, a garage converted into a warehouse, three Sun workstations and 30 customers. Four years later, the company has a total of 13.1 million customers and is at the forefront of on-line retailing which is expected to attract $8 billion worth of sales in 1999.
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WWW creator wins grant
New York: Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the world wide web, is one of the recipients of a $100,000 grant from Stargazer Foundation. The Vienna, Virginia-based foundation named Mr Berners-Lee, currently director of the World Wide Web Consortium at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Laboratory for Computer Science and Bill Shore, founder and executive director of Share Our Strength a national anti-hunger Organisation as its first two recipients for the tax-free grant. The foundation has announced the grant for "ability of the entrepreneurial spirit to benefit society, worldwide".

Mr Berners-Lee, an Englishman, is credited with opening up the Internet by creating the web, making it accessible to anyone.
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