labels: Infotech
German microchip implants tried out in animal for the first time in India news
25 April 2008

Implanting an injectable microchip with a unique 15 digit identification number embedded on it to help identify the ownership of live stock is currently underway in Arunachal Pradesh. This is the first time that such a project has been undertaken in the country.      

The microchips, made of chemically treated coils of iron, glass and copper, are being sourced from Germany by the central government. The chip is injected between the neck and the left shoulder of the animals under the programme and is said to have no adverse effects.

The animals in question on which the experiments are being tried out are mithuns or bisons and can cost Rs40,000 each, and has traditionally been used as a unit of wealth. The mithun exist both in wild and semi-domesticated form and have a religious significance in the state and an intimate relation with socio-cultural life of the people. It is allowed to move freely in the jungle till it is either used for food on festive occasions and marriage feasts, or for barter.

Owners of mithuns have traditionally relied on branding the animals or marking their ears for identification, which is not a foolproof method and sometimes leads to disputes, Panor said.    

So far over 50 mithuns have been injected with the microchips and another 50 would be injected in the coming days.    

IF the experimwent succeeds, the m,icrochips could be implanted in elephants, domestic animals and also in dogs if their owners agreed to pay for the shots.

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German microchip implants tried out in animal for the first time in India