Indoor plants news
How would you like a little garden in your home? Read on for more on indoor plants
05 April 2008

Living in our little matchbox apartments, we all yearn for a house that overlooks the garden or a small kitchen garden or a backyard full of lilting ferns and palms. Just a dream? Not really. You can actually find a quicker way to get close to nature. Indoor plants can give your house that fresh look without shifting it next to the national park!

Why indoor plants?
Fresh air
We are always so worried about the pollution outside our houses that we neglect the one thing that is truly within our control: indoor pollution.

A couple of indoor plants can effectively reduce the pollution within your house or office. Three of the most common indoor air pollutants are formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. And there are others – including asbestos, radon, lead and carbon monoxide, which are often emitted from building materials, furnishings and office equipment. All these pollutants can be reduced with the help of the right kind of indoor plants.

Philodendrons, spider plants, and golden pothos most effectively remove formaldehyde from the air. Gerbera, daisies and chrysanthemums are useful to remove benzene. These plants also add colour and life to the room. Many other plants, including bamboo, palm, peace lily, corn plant, English ivy and the hardy mother-in-law's tongue (also known as snake plant) help in getting rid of toxic chemicals from the air.

Cooling agents
We all know that plants help reduce global warming; but did you know that plants placed inside your house or office act as natural air conditioners? Plants absorb the toxic elements and give out moisture that cools the room.

Reduce noise pollution
No, we are not joking, research shows that plants help in absorbing and blocking sounds in the room, and thus make your office a little more peaceful and efficient!
Fights airborne mould, bacteria and toxins.

Rooms with enough plants show 50 - 60 per cent less airborne moulds and bacteria. Plants also absorb toxins, providing a natural, healthy and cost effective solution to a serious urban problem.

Lowers stress and increases productivity
Yes, you can replace the latest wonder drug with a few potted plants! Plants in the room act as stress relievers and promote a general feeling of well-being. This leads to enhanced productivity and efficiency.

Just as interior designers work with space and furnishings to give your house the look you desire, interior plantscapers work with your spatial, environmental and aesthetic needs to create healthy and attractive spaces with living plants. Indoor plants may not be an adequate substitute for the thick forest or a large park, but they are a small step to making your home more pleasant and green.

Indoor plants