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Israeli defence to focus on spy satellites news
14 May 2011

Though Israel doesn't mention the 660-pound Risat-2 satellite, launched by India in April 2009, it carries IAI-built sensors and without doubt Israelis would have access to the data.

Risat-2, a radar-imaging craft with multi-spectral aperture radar, was built specifically for military surveillance with Israeli technology immediately after the November 2008 Mumbai massacre by carried out by Pakistani terrorists.

Cooperation with India for launch of satellites is vital for Israel, as due to its geographical location, Israel is able to launch such satellites only in a westward direction against the Earth's rotation. Such orientation limits the range of orbits over Iran.

Launches from India allow Israel to launch eastward, allowing it to cover Iran more comprehensively.

Under a new defence plan now being formulated, defence contractor Rafael is believed to be working on technologies which will enable low orbit spy satellites, weighing 220 lbs to be launched from American F-15 fighter jets.

Israel now specializes in producing "mini satellites" like the 650-pound Ofek-9, in comparison to much larger spy satellites of other nations that weigh several tonnes.

Israel's satellite industry is now gearing up for the launch of the Opsat 3000, which will boast of more powerful sensors than the Ofek series.

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Israeli defence to focus on spy satellites